Welcome to the VM2ED Repository for quantitative instruments used in mathematics education research.
This repository is a database where users can search instruments that have been used in mathematics education
research. Each instrument has a page that describes its key tagging features (grade level, construct, item type,
etc.), the validity evidence associated with the instrument, and any interpretation and use statements for the
instrument. There are also training resources available that provide an overview of current conceptions of
validity and validation as well as general use of the VM2ED Repository. Users are also able to upload a new
instrument or additional validity evidence for an existing instrument.
Users are encouraged to use the advanced search features to help focus the results of a search.
The construct bin document on the resources page may be helpful for identifying useful search terms as it
contains a list of all constructs used to tag instruments. When searching the repository, please keep in
mind that some of the instruments identified in the literature were not named. In such cases the following
naming convention was utilized: Author_Year_Construct. Enjoy your VM2ED Repository searching!